Heartrate System

Jacki Sorensen Fitness Class Heartrate System

We monitor your heartrate throughout class so you derive the most benefit during each hour long class!

Learn how to find your Resting Heartrate to determine your individual Working Heartrate range. This insures you’re getting a safe and effective workout.

We take a Recovery Heartrate after the cooldown and advise you how to adjust your participation level for the next class.


Working Heart Rate Range Chart

Beats Per Minute (BPM)

Resting Heart Rate Age
30 & Under 31-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 Over 65
50-51 140-190 130-190 130-180 120-170 120-170 120-160 110-150 110-150
52-53 140-190 130-190 130-180 120-170 120-170 120-160 110-150 110-150
54-56 140-190 130-190 130-180 120-170 120-170 120-160 110-150 110-150
57-58 140-190 130-190 130-180 130-170 120-170 120-160 110-150 110-150
59-61 140-190 140-190 130-180 130-170 120-170 120-160 110-150 110-150
62-63 140-190 140-190 130-180 130-170 120-170 120-160 120-150 110-150
64-66 140-190 140-190 130-180 130-170 130-170 120-160 120-150 110-150
67-68 140-190 140-190 140-180 130-170 130-170 120-160 120-150 110-150
69-71 150-190 140-190 140-180 130-170 130-170 120-160 120-150 120-150
72-73 150-190 140-190 140-180 130-170 130-170 130-160 120-150 120-150
74-76 150-190 140-190 140-180 130-170 130-170 130-160 120-150 120-150
77-78 150-190 140-190 140-180 130-170 130-170 130-160 120-150 120-150
79-81 150-190 140-190 140-180 130-170 130-170 130-160 120-150 120-150
82-83 150-190 140-190 140-180 140-170 130-170 130-160 120-150 120-150
84-86 150-190 150-190 140-180 140-170 130-170 130-160 120-150 120-150
87-88 150-190 150-190 140-180 140-170 130-170 130-160 130-150 120-150
89-91 150-190 150-190 140-180 140-170 140-170 130-160 130-150 120-150

From the Fitness Floor

“I fell in love with aerobic dancing at a demo in a shopping mall. I immediately signed up for classes. Everything about the class was FUN, which I just loved. Jacki’s choreography and each class made us feel like we were The Rockettes dancing on a New York stage. I danced everywhere when traveling with my husband for his business, there was a Jacki’s class all over the country. When I became an Instructor I was taught how to be confident in front of a class of students, how to run a class, break down routines, teach challenging steps, answer questions, be a professional aerobic dance instructor, be part of a larger group, and to work together during fundraisers and demonstrations. I was given opportunities to do things I had never known existed. Thank you so much Jacki.”

— Anne Noyes, Instructor
Old Orchard Beach, Maine